Thursday, April 24, 2008

More workers needed

Several people - Gordon Quan is doing it now - have made the point that we need more workers in the economy than what we're allowing in through visa quotas. A woman named Angela Blanchard with Neighborhood Centers, made the point that while the common view of immigrant workers is labor centers, the majority are actually working fulltime jobs with respectable firms. Professor Luis Salinas from UH says "every valid study done by the government and think tanks shows that illegal immigrants pay more in taxes than they cost the government". He specifically called out Sen. Patrick on this issue.


Bulldog2_0 said...

I notice Mr. Kuffner is giving a lot of credibility to what the proponents of illegal immigration are saying. Why am I not surprised? The myth that we don't have enough workers is nothing more than the businesses saying that they don't have enough people who will work for next to nothing. That's what it REALLY boils down to. They're cheating. The way it USED to be was that if they needed workers, they paid what it took to attract them. Now, they have this endless supply of desperate people that they can exploit so they can cut out the American worker. This way, everyone will eventually have to live like they're in a third-world country as illegals tend to do now. This will be the legacy that we leave our children... we'll condemn them to live like poeple in third-world countries do. Global competition means that we'll live the same way someday... in the one-world government.

michilines said...

Kuff, Neighborhood Centers, Inc. is a nonprofit working in Houston to help people in low income areas. A couple of years ago, the former radio host Chris Baker of KTRH and KPRC found that the City of Houston was planning to give the org a $100K grant and basically had it taken off the budget, presumably with Michael Berry's help.

Bulldog2_0 said...

If they were taken off the budget, it's probably because it was proven that they were blatantly supporting illegal aliens. I find it hard to believe that the city, a sanctuary city, would refuse to help a legitimate organization when this same city funded day labor sites. There's more to THIS story.

Wilder said...

I agree with bulldog. We do have enough workers and when I was old enough to start working I guess I was the one doing the jobs that now nobody wants to do . Well I have news for you, I will work in the sewer if it will pay the bills. What it boils down to is we have a cheap labor force that in some cases do less than standard work. I am one of the dying breed of AMERICAN construction workers and I may be pushed aside for a cheaper worker before long.

Unknown said...

I am 21 years old. I work and am working on my associates degree at a community college. I am also 9 months pregnant and looking at other options on money making. I am aware of the immigrant population in and around houston and how hard it is to find a decent paying job that will allow me to make a living and go to school. I have been turned down so many times because I do not speak 'spanish' and it honestly pisses me off. I go to work and a non-english speaking cusomer will come in and either talk to me in spanish or ask for a spanish speaking associate...then get mad cause I can't understand them! that pisses me off! its not just the unattractive jobs that immagrants get, its attractive ones too! if these people want to come to this country they need to become legal and start paying taxes like everyone else, and learn to SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF THIS COUNTRY like everyone else! I don't care if they use government assistants as long as they are paying into it, I don't care if want a job as long as they can perform and speak english, I don't care if they come here for a better life cause that's what I believe we are all aspiring to achieve...but don't come here not knowing the language, not legal, not paying taxes, and expect america to adapt to your ways and wants just because their are a lot of ya'll ! ! ! !

Bulldog2_0 said...

There's ANOTHER aspect to hiring illegals that none of the proponents of illegal immigration will touch... the SAFETY aspect. I had one of them turn on a pump beside the road which sprayed liquid on me as I passed by on my motorcycle. I had no idea what this liquid and the operator of this pump didn't "habla ingles". I had to find his "boss" to find out what that stuff was. Luckily, it wasn't anything that was dangerous but it COULD have been. And what help could I get in a hurry from the worker? NONE!!! Imagine this situation in a hospital where it ESSENTIAL that everyone have a clear understanding about what's being required. It could mean disaster. But, appearently, this is an acceptable risk by those who propose we import more of these illegals. But, I'd be willing to bet it doesn't affect THEM.

michilines said...

No, bulldog, the money was withdrawn and it was because a clown that lost his job -- because of another clown -- who took his job. bulldog, don't take this personally, but you aren't from Houston, or you would know who those two clowns are.